Maths functions

IF – Test if any arguments are true

1406 views June 1, 2018 July 27, 2018 admin 2


Evaluate a condition, returning TRUE/FALSE or optional values


IF(Operand1, ‘Operator’, Operand2, ‘TrueValue’, ‘FalseValue’)

IF(FIELDSTR(Price), ‘>’, 10, ‘Greater than 10′, ‘Less than or equal to 10’)

IF(FIELDSTR(Price), ‘>’, 10)

Element Description
Operand1 The first field or value to compare.

The operator to use in the comparison – valid operands are:

< Less than

> Greater than

= Equal to

<= Less than or equal to

= Greater than or equal to

<> Not equal to

Operand2 The second field or value to compare.
TrueValue The value to output if the comparsion evaluates to true (optional).
FalseValue The value to output if the comparsion evaluates to false (optional).


IF(FIELDSTR(Price), ‘>’, 10, ‘Greater than 10’, ‘Less than or equal to 10′)

In this example, for all values that are greater than 10, ‘Greater than 10’ is displayed. For all values that equal to or less than 10, ‘Less than or equal to 10’ is displayed.

See also


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