EasyCatalog pagination rules

Insert – Control method of content insertion

590 views June 1, 2018 July 26, 2018 admin 0


Control whether the EasyCatalog library element will be inserted as an anchored text frame or whether the contents of the element itself will be inserted.

It is possible to mix different Insert options for elements repeated at different levels in a group hierarchy.

As Inline

The selected EasyCatalog element will be inserted as an anchored box within the text frame.

This option is most suitable in applications where you do not want library elements to break over two pages, or where a coloured border or background is required around each library element.

Frame Contents

The contents of the selected EasyCatalog element will be inserted as text (and inline images) within the text frame.

This option is most suitable where you are happy for the content to follow one after another. If you are planning on adjusting paragraph styles after the initial pagination, Frame Contents allows you to easily shrink and grow content. (You can also specify paragraph style keep options and table options within InDesign to keep elements together.)


Paginate using Apply Pagination Rule to Depends on Insert method
Into Text Flow Any box within the library element As Inline
At Positions Specified In The Data Outermost text box or group Frame Contents
At Page Guide Positions


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