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Synchronise With Data Source – Refresh data from original source

921 views June 1, 2018 August 2, 2018 admin 1

The Synchronise With Data Source option is used to refresh data from the original data source. New data will be added to the Panel and updates will be performed where necessary on existing data. Data no longer in the data source will be identified as having been deleted. (Typically this data is then purged from the Panel.)

EasyCatalog displays the following alerts and guidance to assist you to manage data updates:

Record type Example Flag type
New Additional products added to catalog data source [green arrow]
Updated Existing product attributes (e.g. pricing, length, width) updated in catalog data source [triangle, marching ants]
Deleted Product records removed from catalog data source [red cross]

New or Deleted items will not automatically be added/removed from your existing catalog pages if you are using library based pagination. You will need to delete the pages/chapter/whole catalog and Paginate again to update the catalog.

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